Have you ever been split on a decision? Your head tells you one thing, and your heart tells you another. You go back and forth and feel like the decision is tearing you apart.
On the one hand, if you love a thing, a career choice, or a person, but you know intellectually it’s not in alignment with the vision you have for your life, that’s something to strongly consider. Some things and people are in your life for only a season. You love them, you learn the lessons your spirit is meant to learn, and with love and respect you let them go because you know it’s for both of your higher goods.
On the other hand, sometimes that voice in your head is running a program based on fear. Fear of being hurt, fear of uncertainty, fear of failure, fear of success, etc, and that fear may cause something beautiful to end prematurely. Often times these limiting beliefs put into your head were installed by someone else when you were a child. Something mom or dad said, a way they behaved, a belief they held, things you witnessed, and many more conclusions that you came to that may not have any actual truth. They’ve been unconsciously running your life ever since. It’s not even your voice that you hear. This voice of caution may not be worth listening to when you uncover where it stems from.
In general: when your heart speaks, that’s you. When your head speaks, that’s who other people told you you’re supposed to be.
When you’re feeling inner conflict, it’s because there’s a disconnect between what you want and what you believe you should have. But where does the “what I should be doing” belief come from? Says who?
If your heart is calling you one way, explore that and see if this calling comes from a place of love or a place of attachment. If you want to remain with that person or in that situation because you truly are enjoying it and it’s serving you, wonderful. If you want to remain because you’re afraid to lose that thing or person because you think you need it, you think you’re settling, you think this is you’re only chance at success/love/happiness, then I urge you to take a strong look at if this is worth it for you.
All my love,
Your Coach – Dr. Jamil
P.S. Whenever you’re ready to continue your transformation, here are a couple of ways I can help you create the life you dream of:
Download a FREE copy of my book ‘20 Steps To Your Next Breakthrough” by CLICKING HERE. This book will give you the mindsets and strategies needed to dramatically increase your momemtum towards your goals and dreams. You can also get the Audiobook version by CLICKING HERE.
Apply to work with me directly: If you’re a leader and a high performer who wants to create an extraordinary life without regret, and you want a coaching experience completely customized and tailored for you and your needs, then CLICK HERE to begin a conversation with me. See some of the results my clients have experienced by CLICKING HERE.