What are you carrying with you from your past?
What’s weighing you down?
What aren’t you complete with?
Look, I get it. You’ve been through some stuff. Hard, nasty, difficult stuff that no human being should ever have to experience. The thing is though…it’s not happening right now. It’s over. The past no longer exists outside of our memory.
It moved on and let you go a long time ago. It’s you who have decided (usually unconsciously) to pull it back into your present and relive it over and over again.
In this way, your past is robbing you of the gift that is the present moment. Use your past; don’t let your past use you. What did you or can you learn from that experience? How are you stronger and wiser now because of what you went through? How can you use your experience to help others avoid the pain you went through? What wonderful experiences have you had, people you’ve met, and memories you’ve created all because you went through those difficult times? What treasures are in your life today that wouldn’t exist if you hadn’t experienced hardship? I strongly encourage you to take the time to answer and reflect deeply on these questions. Your answers will bring about a sense of peace and lightness within you.
Everything that you’ve been through has culminated in this moment. Your life is the way that it is now because of what you’ve been through, and because of who you decide to be in this moment. We can’t change the past, but we can control the decisions we make each and every day that determine our destiny. How can you make today, and your future, brighter? What’s the smallest step you can take towards the life you want to experience?
Regardless of how life is going today, tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities to recreate yourself. Have the courage and the faith to put the bag you’ve been carrying down…your future self thanks you.
Remember: You are loved, you are enough, you are forgiven, you are uniquely you, and each moment you have another chance to begin anew. Shine your light, and never allow your past to dim your inner fire. Our world needs all of you. Namaste my friends.
All my love,
Your Coach – Dr. Jamil
P.S. Whenever you’re ready to continue your transformation, here are a couple of ways I can help you create the life you dream of:
Download a FREE copy of my book ‘20 Steps To Your Next Breakthrough” by CLICKING HERE. This book will give you the mindsets and strategies needed to dramatically increase your momemtum towards your goals and dreams. You can also get the Audiobook version by CLICKING HERE.
Apply to work with me directly: If you’re a leader and a high performer who wants to create an extraordinary life without regret, and you want a coaching experience completely customized and tailored for you and your needs, then CLICK HERE to begin a conversation with me. See some of the results my clients have experienced by CLICKING HERE.