How do you know if your partner is “the one” for you? If you love this person, and you want this relationship to thrive, keep reading.
You decide that they are the one for you. Read that again.
Think about this. There are almost 8 billion people on the planet. You would be extremely compatible and happy with, likely, hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of people. The quest for a relationship is not about finding the perfect person or about making sure that no one else out there could potentially be ‘better.’
It’s about finding the perfect person for you, flaws and all. It’s not about finding the person with no baggage; it’s about finding the person who you deeply connect with, and you’d love to help them unpack; The person that brings the best out of you, encourages your growth, makes you feel special (because you are), is committed to you, and who you can be yourself with.
If you’re with your partner and you’re feeling confused and that something seems blocked, give this a try.
Immediately begin celebrating your love, celebrating that person, celebrating everything about your relationship as if your partner is the one for you. Go all in. Live to light him or her up, shower your partner with complements and affection, notice all the things he or she is doing and how he or she is showing up in the world.
Do these things and observe how your experience of your relationship shifts from confusion to an overflow of love, excitement, giddiness, passion, and a knowingness that this is the person for you because you choose him or her. The choice is yours. I hope this serves you, and I wish you an intentional, exciting, meaningful, and beautiful week.
Loving you
Your Coach, Dr. Jamil
P.S. Whenever you’re ready to continue your transformation, here are a couple of ways I can help you create the life you dream of:
Download a FREE copy of my book ‘20 Steps To Your Next Breakthrough” by CLICKING HERE. This book will give you the mindsets and strategies needed to dramatically increase your momemtum towards your goals and dreams. You can also get the Audiobook version by CLICKING HERE.
Apply to work with me directly: If you’re a leader and a high performer who wants to create an extraordinary life without regret, and you want a coaching experience completely customized and tailored for you to optimize your health, relationship, business, income, happiness, and mindset, then CLICK HERE to begin a conversation with me. See some of the results my clients have experienced by CLICKING HERE.