As we begin this new year, you may have already set some goals for what you’d like life to be like, for the things you want to experience, and for any changes you’d like to make.
Keep this in mind: commitment is the currency of success.
You make a commitment by going all-in until completion, not just one time, but daily. Once a commitment is made, you must re-commit to it each and every day, assuming you still want it, in order to remain on course.
There will be moments, and entire days, where you fall out of integrity with what you said you wanted. I know I’ve definitely been there. That’s ok. Forgive yourself, get clear on whether or not you still want it, remind yourself of why you’re doing this, and make the best choices you can given the situation at hand.
This year can be your best year yet, and you make it so one moment, one choice, at a time, day by day.If you’d like support making your dreams come true and solving your problems/challenges, check out the link below and let’s talk.
Loving you
Your Coach, Dr. Jamil
P.S. Whenever you’re ready to continue your transformation, here are a couple of ways I can help you create the life you dream of:
Download a FREE copy of my book ‘20 Steps To Your Next Breakthrough” by CLICKING HERE. This book will give you the mindsets and strategies needed to dramatically increase your momemtum towards your goals and dreams. You can also get the Audiobook version by CLICKING HERE.
Apply to work with me directly: If you’re a leader and a high performer who wants to create an extraordinary life without regret, and you want a coaching experience completely customized and tailored for you to optimize your health, relationship, business, income, happiness, and mindset, then CLICK HERE to begin a conversation with me. See some of the results my clients have experienced by CLICKING HERE.