How To Eliminate The Fear Of Judgement
Today I am sharing with you two simple and powerful insights to eliminate the fear of judgement. Enjoy! Loving you...
Today I am sharing with you two simple and powerful insights to eliminate the fear of judgement. Enjoy! Loving you...
As we begin this new year, you may have already set some goals for what you’d like life to be...
With the New Year approaching, here is a simple and powerful way to make next year, and every following year,...
Here is a simple exercise for ending your frustration quickly, and shifting into an experience of peace. Enjoy! Loving you...
Two old expressions come to mind as I share this post: slow and steady wins the race, and the journey...
Fear is a ghost. Remember this: fear only exists in your mind. You’ve been allowing this feeling that isn’t even...
How do you know if your partner is “the one” for you? If you love this person, and you want...
Here’s one powerful way to increase success in any area of your life. Enjoy! Your Coach, Dr. Jamil P.S. Whenever you’re...
Hear me: You are so much greater than your bank account, your social status, your profession, your possessions, etc. You...
In this video I share with you how learning to dance, and being willing to step out and be seen,...
This week I’m sharing a powerful piece of relationship advice that is required in order for you to have an...
We have all heard the expression ‘life is about the journey not the destination.’ In this video, taken from an...
On today’s video, I share with you a simple yet powerful strategy to begin applying immediately to your relationship. This...
Here is a guided visualization to calm worries, anxieties, and concerns, and bring about an experience of peace. P.S. Whenever you’re...
Today I share with you everything I know regarding COVID-19, the novel corona virus, as well as steps you can...
Most of us walk around wearing a mask. Acting however we believe other people want us to act, expressing what...
Many of my clients seek me out to help them make more money and grow their business. In this video,...
I remember a long time ago hearing an interesting question about 5 frogs on a log.5 frogs are on a...
In this video I share with you two powerful ways I help my clients dramatically improve their productivity, and get...
One of the first things I often ask my coaching clients and people that I speak with is, “What would...
“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?” Rumi We imprison ourselves with our stories,...
What are the next 10 years of your life going to be about? What’s your theme? In this video I...
Listen to your inner knowing. That compass that points you in the direction of your truth. Far too often we...
Have you ever had a tough decision to make, and you just couldn’t decide what to do? Here is a...
What’s the story you’re telling yourself? The story about who you are, what you’re capable of, what your problems are,...
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